Monthly Archives: April 2010

Synteko lower VOC’s- here’s a picture

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Speaking of VOCs…SYNTEKO get friendlier

Hot off the press is the news that our mega-successful SYNTEKO CLASSIC has been tweaked for 2010.

As mentioned before, whilst it is a solvent borne product, it is an entirely different animal to solvent borne polyurethanes.  SYNTEKO CLASSIC is a “conversion varnish”, more of a resin than a plastic, extremely smooth, durable and hard.

However, solvents are solvents. Synteko have responded to the VOC concerns by lowering their VOC for their 2010 product. It is now below 440 grams per litre. This meets the stringent guidelines laid out for applicable chemicals by the European Union. The Aussie guidelines are far less stringent. This puts SYNTEKO CLASSIC more than just a token amount within applicable guidelines, a useful fact for any contractor who is asked the question about toxicity.

LAGLER recently spoke with consultant and VOC guru Phil Holgate on the subject. Phil confirms that the average VOC for most solvent borne polys is around 550 grams per litre. This compares SYNTEKO CLASSIC very favourably in this arena. In fact, it is a lower VOC rating even than oil modified coatings.

However, there has been some concern around the traps that what SYNTEKO CLASSIC wins in lower VOCs, it loses by containing formaldehyde.  Formaldehyde is a synthetic chemical found in many things, including cigarettes. Of course, any association with “cigarettes” can spark mass panic but, granted, it is a particularly nasty component and a  proven carcinogen.

The truth is, SYNTEKO CLASSIC contains less formaldehyde per part than most household products, including bleaches and laundry cleaners. In fact, NICNAS, the Government watchdog group which specifically monitors the toxicity of imported chemicals, dismissed any concerns about SYNTEKO CLASSIC’s formaldehyde content, confirming that it barely shows up in their measurement criteria.